In general, drying time in natural drying process for “hard-to-dry shaped casting molds” including cylindrical pipes, cups, and complicated shaped casting molds are longer than that of simple shaped molds.
Newly developed microwave super fast drying system has many advantages over the fact that investment casters are experiencing spending long time to dry “hard-to-dry shaped molds.” Current method of natural drying keeps moisture content inside of the molds for a long time, and this prevents moisture content from being dehydrated.
With the new method of microwave drying system, microwave facilitates dehydration of the entire molds by direct acting on moisture content. It activates water molecule and facilitates bringing out the moisture from the inside of molds to the surface.
This paper will present technical details of time reduction in mold drying process, mold temperature control with microwave drying system and how this technology can be practically applied and contributed for investment casters.